If you must speak, do not silence another.
If you must convey your thoughts,
send forth clarity, warmth, and honesty.
If you must write letters, bleed with passion,
urgency, and authenticity; without flattery or disguises.
If you must offer presents, gift them ears, hands, eyes, lips, and breath.
If you must hold their hand, fasten your grip against the current.
If you must swim in the ocean of their being,
swim naked.
If you must share, surrender vulnerably.
If you must commit, make it the subject,
not a footnote.
If you must decide, choose them as your only option.
If you must act, fight for it with tenacity,
not with half-truths and second-guesses.
If you must accept, lay out both palms
and hand them the keys to the house of your soul.
If you must ask for someone’s heart, reside there.
If you must stay, create a delicate imprint.
But if you must leave, go with presence and gratitude,
without any trail of false hopes.
Do not simply fade.
Part carrying the light of your mutual days.
Inhabit their lessons.
Say, Thank you for the life-giving hours we shared.
It has been a life worth living.
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