Ode To The Man I Love
To love you
through the colorfast shimmer of youth,
the wariness of age,
against time and fleeting beauty,
across and despite infinitesmal space,
beyond the borders of measurable distance,
besides shrapnels of pain
and all frailty of a mortal.
Through the height of glory
and the gravity of sheer misery,
beyond the bounds of control,
beyond what can be promised.
Even if reality fades your hopes to gray
that you shall forget
and in your memories, have me erased
this love shall not sever,
this heart shall
hold and breathe your name forever,
shall wait for you
on your side of things.
This one I wrote on April 15, 2006 (it was a Black Saturday – funny how all Black Saturdays seem so monumental; I end up writing something everytime without knowing it). I’d like to incorporate fragments of it at the end of our prenup AVP as it seems very apt for the occassion. It reminds me of how I felt for Jigs 3 years ago, which happens to be the same now, if not more solidified. But of course need to ask permission first kay bossing kung aprub.
Enough said.
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