I came across a post by a man questioning why women post more selfies than men. Why we post everything, from food to gym routines. Well, maybe selfies are a way for women to reclaim space.
Maybe it’s us trying to use our voice in conversations where we are often unheard and excluded. Maybe it’s the fact that the global population of females and males is almost equal, yet the gender pay gap is still significant and career opportunities usually still tilt in favor of men, including hiring and promotions. Maybe it’s resistance, because we are told how to dress up from birth and what constitutes “proper” that a lot of us have internalized it and judge other women ourselves when they wear something skimpy. Maybe it’s that it’s 2023 and women are still told if you wear a sports bra while biking, it’s your fault that you are catcalled and harassed. Meanwhile, men can freely roam the streets and get drunk half-naked with anyone and nobody bats an eyelash.
Maybe because for women, especially sexual abuse survivors like me, when we post a selfie in our barest selves, this is us saying, This is my body and I rejoice in it. You didn’t defeat me. This is me loving it and being comfortable in it again when I hated it and felt dirty in it for years. This is me taking it back.
(Also: because I feel good post-workout today. Shaved off a kilo; 3 more to go, and I am permitting myself to enjoy my makalat era 🤣)
We’re all gonna die someday, ladies. Let them seethe over your selfies. Post what honors you and what feels authentic to you. No shame in authenticity.
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